Keith Uthe Difference Between Fixed & Variable Rate Mortgages  |  Keith Uthe Tips For Being Pre Approved For A Mortgage  |  Six Tips To Ensure You Have The Right Documents For Mortgage Financing
  • General

    Author: Keith Uthe Demystifying Mortgages |

    In November 2019, Robinson Smith released his book, Master Your Mortgage for Financial Freedom, and it hit #1 in 22 categories on Amazon on launch day and it still regularly hits #1 in various personal finance-related categories. To date thousands of Canadians have used this innovative strategy - The Smith Manoeuvre - to convert the non-deductible interest expense of their mortgage payments into large annual tax deductions. And you can too. In addition to the tax savings, you will be able to eliminate your mortgage in record time while simultaneously contributing substantial amounts each month toward free-and-clear retirement savings that simply…

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  • What is The Smith Manoeuvre?

    Author: Keith Uthe Demystifying Mortgages |

    Do you have the wrong kind of debt? The kind that is not tax-deductible? Most of us do. The wealthy have debt too. The difference is they routinely turn their loans into ‘good debt’ by making the interest tax-deductible with the help of expensive accountants and lawyers. So, while the wealthy are transforming their house mortgage loans into free tax refunds, the rest of us are paying off huge amounts of mortgage interest with after-tax income. Another question: are you investing enough, soon enough? Most Canadians aren’t. After ever-rising taxes and the cost of making ends meet, most of us don’t…

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  • The Two Types of Debt:

    Author: Keith Uthe Demystifying Mortgages |

    Fun fact - the top one percent of Canada’s wealthiest families own over 25% of Canada’s wealth. Put another way, around 377,000 people share wealth of around $3 trillion dollars. $3,000,000,000,000. That averages out to almost $8 million each. Staggering. It is these few folks who sit on the tiny little point way up at the top of the Wealth Pyramid. A lonely but luxurious little club. Here’s what they all understand very, very clearly: non-tax-deductible debt tends to destroy wealth. Tax-deductible debt can create wealth. If you have borrowed to consume – buy cars, clothes, groceries, gas, an expensive lifestyle with…

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  • Equity

    Author: Keith Uthe Demystifying Mortgages |

    Are you behaving like the wealthy – the approximately 10% of Canada’s population that get to share over half of Canada’s wealth? Are you using the equity in your house like the wealthy do? No? Well, don’t worry – you’re not alone… We Canadians have been taught that it’s best to be completely mortgage-free. But by being mortgage-free, we are behaving like the non-wealthy. When you bought your house, you behaved in that moment like the wealthy because you got a down payment together and borrowed the rest from someone else. You borrowed to buy an appreciating asset and the wealthy…

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